Best Relationship & Life Quotes

  Inspiring Relationship & Life Quotes 1/5

  #1 - #7

I rather be single & know than in a relationship 
& question.. -HB

The person you get involved with is a direct 
reflection of you!
So if you're messing with someone not worth a damn just 
think about that.. -HB

Ladies, when you put yourself out there that you're desperate to have a man & that you have a hard time functioning without one then you'll attract ANYBODY! -HB


 Every man should be honest with a woman when he's not really into her & politely end it instead of keep leading her on just to stay  in her pants.. -HB

A real, respectable woman doesn't allow random men around her kids or in her house.. -HB

 A real man brings up his woman even when she's already up. Supports his woman with any endeavors she pursues & loves his woman just the way she is yet still pushes her to being an even better person. -HB


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